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来源:会员投稿 发布时间:2020-04

  1、错过,是为了下一次更好的相遇,如果相遇,我会更懂得如何珍惜。 Miss, is for the next better encounter, if meet, I will know better how to cherish. 2、听着这委婉动人的旋律,想起我们最美丽的相遇!今生能在手机短信上遇到你,是我今生最美丽的相

1、错过,是为了下一次更好的相遇,如果相遇,我会更懂得如何珍惜。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Miss, is for the next better encounter, if meet, I will know better how to cherish.

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Listening to this euphemistic melody, we remember our most beautiful encounter. This life can meet you on the mobile phone message. It is the most beautiful encounter in my life.



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Thank you for being able to make me acquainted with you. In this beautiful season, this wonderful meeting.




To leave is always easier than meeting, because meeting is the fate of hundreds of millions of people.

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5、迷失的人就迷失了,相遇的人会再相遇。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

The lost person is lost and the meeting person will meet again.


6、这个世间,谁都不会是谁永远的美丽,生命中有很多相遇,能在一起的叫朋友,不能在一起叫过客。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

In this world, no one will be beautiful forever. There are many encounters in life. Those who can be together call friends, but can't be together call passers-by.


7、我就是不懂如果有些人注定没办法在一起,为什么命运要让他们相遇。 本文来自开心小区!

I just don't understand if some people are doomed to be unable to get together, why fate wants them to meet. copyright www.ggyyb.com

8、假如人生不曾相遇,我还是那个我,偶尔做做梦,然后,开始日复一日的奔波,淹没在这喧嚣的城市里。 www.ggyyb.com

If life had never met, I would still be the one who occasionally dreamed, and then began to run day after day, drowning in this noisy city. copyright www.ggyyb.com

9、用一朵花开的时间相遇,在我最完美的年华里,用我最完美的姿态,遇见你。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

Meet you in a blooming time, in my most perfect years, in my most perfect posture.

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10、佛早就说过:前世五百次的回眸,才换得今生的擦肩而过!所有的一切都有它出现的理由,不必为此而感到惊讶! 本文来自开心小区!

Buddha has said: the past five hundred times of retrospect, only in exchange for this life pass by! All of them have reasons for their emergence. Don't be surprised! 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

11、淡绿色的春天的蝴蝶,艳金色的夏天的昆虫,明黄色的秋天的归雁,和洁白的冬天的独角兽,它们都能记得,我是这样的想念你。 开心小区,欢迎转载!

Light green spring butterflies, bright golden summer insects, bright yellow autumn geese, and white winter unicorns, they can remember, I miss you so. copyright www.ggyyb.com

12、赐我一场相遇,却不赐我一场爱情。赐我一场爱情,却不赐我地久天长。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

Give me a meeting, but do not give me a love. Give me a love, but do not give me forever. 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com



Forever, forever is just a forever. Perhaps, it is only a dream and expectation. Can have, is the most beautiful after this life met.


14、一个生灵与另一个生灵的相遇是千载一瞬,分别却是万劫不复。茫茫人海中,相遇是缘起,相识是缘续,相知是缘定。 开心小区,欢迎转载!

The encounter between a creature and another creature is a thousand moments, but they are no more. In the vast sea of people, the encounter is the origin, and the acquaintance is the continuation. copyright www.ggyyb.com



Since you, my heart has too much concern; since you, my life is no longer lonely; since you, my life has been colorful, you are the most beautiful meeting in my life.




If life never met, how could I know the true meaning of love? We must have the chance to dance together, and cherish the love that we can synchronize today. I can't go along with you, nor can I synchronize with you. copyright www.ggyyb.com

17、这一次相遇,美得彻骨,美得震颤,美得孤绝,美得惊艳。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

This encounter was beautiful and trembling, beautiful and lonely, beautiful and stunning. 开心小区,欢迎转载!



Meeting is a touching noun. In this vast sea of people, in this vast sea of nets, how many encounters pass by each day, and how many hurries pass by each day. 开心小区,欢迎转载!



Another encounter, accident, pain and pain, waiting for me. If you and I never met, the injured you came to me quietly. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

20、伸手需要一瞬间,牵手却要很多年,无论你我遇见谁,他都是你生命中该出现的人,绝非偶然。 开心小区,欢迎转载!

It takes a moment to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. Whoever you meet, he is the right person in your life. It's no accident.


21、在相遇时,我们早已错过了人生中最美的花期!错的时间,对的人,注定是一个无言的结局。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

When we met, we had already missed the most beautiful florescence in our life. The wrong time, the right person, is doomed to be a silent outcome. 开心小区,有你更精彩。



The world is as small as a street. When we meet, you nod, omit all the past and greetings. Perhaps joy is just a process, and everything is over. 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

23、假如人生不曾相遇,我不会相信,有一种人可以百看不厌,有一种人一认识就觉得温馨。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

If life had never met, I would not believe that there is a person who can never tire of seeing, and a person who knows it feels warm.


24、每一个人都有属于自己的一片森林,迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

Everyone has their own forest, the lost person is lost, and the people meeting will meet again. 本文来自开心小区!

25、不期然的相遇,时空的交汇只在此时此刻,凝滞,似乎追随,只需瞬时。 本文来自开心小区!

The meeting of time and space, the intersection of time and space, is only at this moment, it seems to follow, but it needs instant.




Feelings are like clouds, and thousands of changes. When the clouds rise, they are surging. Feelings are like clouds gathering and clouds scattered.


27、感谢上天让我遇见并爱上你!而能够被你如此爱着,更让我幸福得快要窒息!我真的好满足! 开心小区,欢迎转载!

Thank God for letting me meet and love you! And being able to be loved by you makes me happy to suffocate. I am really satisfied! 开心小区,有你更精彩。

28、相遇有缘,离别淡然。相遇别离,各有所归。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

Meet with fate, parting is indifferent. Meet each other and leave each other.



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Perhaps meet is to meet this life worthy of the people! Even if separation is needed, that time will not be dispelled.


30、萍水相逢也许是一种缘,但错误的相逢却是一场伤感,一份美丽的误会。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

It may be a kind of fate to meet each other by chance, but the wrong meeting is a sad feeling, a beautiful misunderstanding. www.ggyyb.com



I feel more grateful to God for bringing me into this world to meet you and be loved by you than to rise and die early. www.ggyyb.com



Sometimes it seems that the two clouds in the sky will always meet each other. But people do not know that it is different from the height of the two clouds, will never meet. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

33、手机唱起歌,知己三两个,短信四五句,祝福六七声,传递八九人,祝福你生活十全十美,快乐长长久久,幸福到永远! 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

The mobile phone sings songs, three or two confidants, four or five short messages, six or seven voices of blessing, transmission of 89 people, wish you a perfect life, happiness for a long time, happiness for eternity! uuuuuuuuuuu www.ggyyb.com


开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

A lot of pride, admiration and admiration at first sight were crushed to dust after some time.




In the vast sea of men, meeting is accidental. Countless accidents, a love achievement! Love is a thing that goes all the way, and has never been abandoned or hurt. How can you understand your lover?




Because I care very much, so I cherish it very much. Do you really understand what I want? Maybe this is what you don't understand about me. You can't give me what I want, so what else do you want?




The two luckiest things in my life, one is that time has finally consumed my love for you; the other is that one day long ago, I met you. 开心小区,欢迎转载!



It has always been a coincidence that encountering is an opportunity. After meeting, he became a passer-by. If so, is it better to never start and never meet? 本文来自开心小区!


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I am still living alone in this black and white world. If time can go back to the past, I will firmly hold your hand, will not let go.

开心小区 - 有你更精彩!



You have given me a blue balloon, sent me a beautiful dream, so that my youth has become color, so that I will not wake up in the night after all nightmares around the cold. copyright www.ggyyb.com

41、感谢遇到的你们,或者让我变勇敢,或者让我失败,或者让我哭泣,或者让我忧伤,或者让我开心,或者让我坚持,直到成为我自己。 本文来自开心小区!

Thank you for meeting you, or making me brave, or failing, or making me cry, or making me sad, or making me happy, or keeping me going until I become myself. www.ggyyb.com



Meeting you is the best moment of my life. 开心小区,有你更精彩。



Meeting, the mood is like white clouds floating; owning, the heart is like rain and dew; missing, the heart is like quicksand. Looking back, the feeling is like blue and clear night. 开心小区,有你更精彩。

44、两个人,相遇未必能相识,相识未必能相爱,相爱未必能留住,留住了未必能忍受,忍受了未必能白头偕老。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

Two people, meet may not be able to meet, acquaintance may not be able to love, love may not be able to retain, retain may not be able to endure, endure may not be able to grow old together.


45、不要因为也许会改变,就不肯说那句美丽的誓言;不要因为也许会分离,就不敢求一次倾心的相遇。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Don't refuse to say that beautiful oath because it may change; don't dare to ask for a heart-to-heart encounter because it may be separated.



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Meeting is a song, we raise our glasses, we sing about wine, pull parents short, count children's affection, talk and laugh, unbridled. Telling the truth is friendship. 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!



If I could, I would like to borrow one day from you at some point in your beautiful life. Just to feel your real existence. 本文来自开心小区!

