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来源:会员投稿 发布时间:2020-04

  【老鼠和公牛的寓言故事】 一头公牛被老鼠咬了鼻子,到处追赶老鼠。但是,老鼠可比公牛跑得快多了,一下就溜进了墙边的洞里。气得公牛一次又一次地撞墙,最后累得筋疲力尽,一下就瘫在了地上。这时,小老鼠一听没了动静,又跑出来再咬公牛。公牛狂怒,又开始



  一头公牛被老鼠咬了鼻子,到处追赶老鼠。但是,老鼠可比公牛跑得快多了,一下就溜进了墙边的洞里。气得公牛一次又一次地撞墙,最后累得筋疲力尽,一下就瘫在了地上。这时,小老鼠一听没了动静,又跑出来再咬公牛。公牛狂怒,又开始用脚踢墙,而此时小老鼠早已跑回到洞里去了。除了大吼和无用的生闷气之外,公牛一筹莫展。不久,他听到一个微弱的声音从墙壁里传出来:“你这个大家伙也不能总逞强吧,你看,有时我们这样的小不点也会占上风的。” 开心小区,欢迎转载!

  【老鼠和公牛的故事寓意】 开心小区,有你更精彩。

  通过阅读伊索寓言的这篇老鼠和公牛的故事,告诉我们微小低贱的人物有时候也会占据优势,要懂得利用自己的优势去发挥长处,强者并非总是战争的胜利方。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

  【老鼠和公牛的英文版】 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

  THE MOUSE AND THE BULL 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

  A Bull gave chase to a Mouse which had bitten him in the nose but the Mouse was too quick for him and slipped into a hole in a wall The Bull charged furiously into the wall again and again until he was tired out,and sank down on the ground exhausted with his efforts When all was quiet,the Mouse darted out and bit him again.Beside himself with rage he started to his feet,but by that time the Mouse was back in his hole again,and he could do nothing but bellow and fume in helpless anger.Presently he heard a shrill little voice say from inside A Bull gave chase to a Mouse which had bitten him in the nose but the Mouse was too quick for him and slipped into a hole in a wall The Bull charged furiously into the wall again and again until he was tired out,and sank down on the ground exhausted with his efforts When all was quiet,the Mouse darted out and bit him again.Beside himself with rage he started to his feet,but by that time the Mouse was back in his hole again,and he could do nothing but bellow and fume in helpless anger.Presently he heard a shrill little voice say from inside the wall,“You big fellows don’t always have it your own way,you see sometimes we little ones come offbest.” 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

  The battle is not always to the strong.

