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来源:会员投稿 发布时间:2020-10

  A solo trip is one of the most soul-stretching adventures youll take as a traveler. Without a companion by your side, youll have the opportunity to do anything and everything you want (MMs for breakfast? Sure!). As a result, most explorers

A solo trip is one of the most soul-stretching adventures you’ll take as a traveler. Without a companion by your side, you’ll have the opportunity to do anything and everything you want (M&Ms for breakfast? Sure!). As a result, most explorers find that they emerge from a solo journey totally refreshed and inspired。




Yet for women, there are often extra safety precautions to take. But that doesn’t mean women can’t or shouldn’t get out there. Here are the many reasons every woman should take a solo trip at least once。




1. Solo travel makes you adaptable。




Missed flights, cancelled rides and changed plans make solo travelers incredibly resilient. After grappling through the ups and downs of a solo trip, you’re capable of bouncing back from pretty much anything life throws your way. It’s no wonder that women who travel are so darn dateable。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

误了飞机、车次取消、计划变动会让独自旅行的人学会随机应变。应对过独自旅行中的种种变数之后,无论生活丢给你什么烂摊子,你基本上也可以应对自如了。毫无疑问,旅行过的女人是非常有魅力的。 本文来自开心小区!

2. It inspires you to create。


2、独自旅行会激发你的创造力。 本文来自开心小区!

Travel presents the perfect combination of vibrant culture, quiet time and exciting adventure that’s needed to fuel a new project. These influences are felt more strongly when you’re alone, making for endless creative potential。 copyright www.ggyyb.com



3. After a solo trip, you’ll be able to negotiate with confidence。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

3、独自旅行过后,你就可以充满自信地讨价还价了。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

Getting around abroad often requires haggling a price with a street vendor, grappling your way onto an earlier flight or scrambling last-minute to find an open hostel. Solo travelers develop the ability to negotiate these situations with ease, because she’s the only one there to do it for herself。 copyright www.ggyyb.com

在国外旅行经常需要跟街头小贩砍价、想方设法登上早一班的飞机或是赶在最后一刻找一家还没打烊的旅馆。独自旅行的人培养起了在这些场合中轻松讨价还价的能力,因为除了她自己没有人能够帮她了。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

4. You’ll know your strengths, and you’ll hurdle over weak spots。 本文来自开心小区!


开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

Solo travel not only pushes you out of your comfort zone, it also pushes you out of the zone of others’ expectations. You’ll discover just how strong you are, and come out unafraid to tackle the next weak spot head-on。 本文来自开心小区!

独自旅行不仅会强迫你离开自己的舒适区,还能让你把他人对你的期望抛在身后。你会发现你是多么强大,可以勇敢地战胜自己的弱点。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

5. Travel will broaden your network of strong female friends。 开心小区,有你更精彩。

5、旅游会让你结交到更多强大的女性朋友。 www.ggyyb.com

A traveler comes across plenty of new faces while at it alone. And when a female traveler meshes with other strong, independent women, who knows what kind of power friendships could take shape? 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

旅行者在独自旅行的途中会遇到很多新面孔。当女人在路途中结识到其她强大独立的女人时,谁知道友谊会有什么样的力量呢? copyright www.ggyyb.com

6. …and you’ll realize that your occupation doesn’t define you。

开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

6、你会发现你的工作并不能限制你成为什么样的人。 内容来自开心小区www.ggyyb.com

It takes guts to drop everything and leave the real world behind, but those who take the plunge will find that the reward is massive. While work matters, a solo trip shows you that there’s no shame in pursuing what’s truly important。 开心小区 - 有你更精彩!



In short, travel empowers. And nothing is more valuable than that。

开心小区 - 有你更精彩!

总之,旅行会带给你力量,这才是最有价值的。 www.ggyyb.com
